Michelle Moon's Article On The Effects Of Divorce On Children

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In the article “The Effects of Divorce on Children: Married and Divorced Parents’ Perspectives,” Michelle Moon discusses how different family structures view the effects of divorce on children. She sought to find out how being self-interested influences a person’s opinion of how children handle divorce. Moon hypothesized that being self-interested would differentially influence a divorced and married person’s opinion. Specifically, she expected that married parents would view divorce as more negative than divorced parents, that mothers and fathers whose own parents were married would view divorce as more negative than mothers and father whose own parents were not married and that divorced parents who initiated their own divorce would view divorce as less negative than divorced parents who did not initiate their divorce. Moon’s research proved her hypothesis true and revealed that …show more content…

It pairs with the interactionalist perspective, which focuses on the micro level of family and intimate relationships. Interactionalists would support Moon’s research that those who are married with married parents think divorce is a more negative influence on children because they believe that showing partnership is beneficial for children. Interactionalist researchers have found that when fathers are more involved with their child and participate in behaviors like reading and helping with homework, the child has fewer behavior problems, gets along better with others and is more responsible. If this is the effect one parent’s involvement can have on a child, two married parents’ involvement is more likely to ensure a child’s well-being. REFERENCES
Moon, Michelle. 2011. “The Effects of Divorce on Children: Married and Divorced Parents’ Perspectives.” Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 52:344-349.
Schaefer, Robert T. 2017. Sociology in Modules. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

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