Michelangelo Vs Bernini's David Essay

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1. Watch the video and describe the differences between Michelangelo's and Bernini's David, as regards to how they use space.
Bernini’s David was a Baroque made in the moment of action itself. Unleashing exaggerated drama, drama, so exaggerated that some people are afraid of being in front of the statue because they fear the stone might fall. Bernini activates the space around the stone and creates a narrative that brings us into the story, lips are pressed together to show focused concentration of David at the moment. We see the body crossing itself and forming a diagonal line with so much energy. The art work feels like a real man, so we are emotionally involved.

Michelangelo’s David is high renaissance figure showing the moment before the fight. This figure represents a stable columnar figure that was motivated by ancient Greeks and Romans art of Idealizing the human body. We notice the tension in the muscles and in the face and at this moment can say that David is up to something. The drama of David is emerging, it’s not yet, and we are separate from the art. The distance we feel is as a result of the sculpture looking like a superhuman too busy to interfere with us.

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Watch this video about this extraordinary Mayan relief, and then try to explain what a relief is, and why you think the art form is used. What is its advantages? Why might one want to carve into stone and then paint it, rather than just paint images on the flat stone?
Relief is a technique an artist uses by raising a section of a carved stone or wood above other sections. The purpose is to lay just enough emphasis that is required for the viewer to perceive the story in a way the artist wants it perceived. With relief, an artist can emphasize how important a person is compared to others. We can tell who is rich from how expensively they dress in the

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