Michael Jordan Advertising

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Maybe it's because of those in the Millennial generation that were raised to believe that they could do anything that they wanted as long as they set their mind to it. Michael Jordan, arguably one of the best basketball players of all time, explains that excuses are far too often used to try and justify the unaccomplished. This advertisement goes to show what the Millennial generation as a whole expected, and why their expectations aren't always fulfilled. Michael Jordan's "Maybe It's My Fault" commercial was successful in targeting Millennials by confronting the failed perceptions and common characteristics as well as emphasizing values of that generation. What is so special about achieving the same goals that everyone else has achieved? Doing the same things that everyone else has done? In the same exact way that everyone else has done so? Michael Jordan implies that the Millennial generation uses excuses rather than using their failures, pain, and obstacles as a way of strengthening themselves. This advertisement both visually and vocally inspires and motivates through the proposed message and graphics shown. It's almost as if he, using intensifying background music, visually took the audience on a journey from where he is now back to his foundation where he started. Vocally, Michael Jordan used a very …show more content…

This commercial was a proposition implying that Millennials feel entitled to what many others have had to spend their whole lives working for. While pointing out what Millennials need to strengthen within themselves, Michael Jordan was also intending to motivate those of the Millennial generation to "Become Legendary" as is mentioned near the end of the advertisement. This commercial would be an effective way to clarify what older generations worked for and why generation Y follow in older generations'

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