Mgt 311 Week 3 Discussion 1

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Discussion D3 What attracted my attention in particular in Chapter 3 was stress information. Stress is considered to be the result of the action of the external factors (the environment, the job, the relationships with those around us, the obstacles of life, the daily expectations and disillusionments) and the internal factors (nutritional balance, emotional well-being, physical form, body) on our life. I never thought that there is a positive stress, but now I have realized that the extent to which each individual manages to manage stress in a constructive way, to become more resilient to the various obstacles of life, traces the boundary between negative stress, and positive. What is important to note is that stress in my life (the negative one) not only affects me in all areas but also negatively affects …show more content…

Some relationships last a lifetime and others are destroyed for various reasons. Marriage is in my view one of the most fragile relationships in today's society. Although it is scientifically proven that the family is the place where a person can develop physically and intellectually in a harmonious way, and can maintain his/her physical and mental health, today many families are falling apart, causing much suffering not only to the partners but also to the children in the family. The author of the article on the site, suggests a few steps to take in order to keep the romantic partnership in good working order, and I think this is also true for a happy marriage too. According to the site, communication is a key piece of healthy relationships. Another recommendation is to keep the marriage relationship interesting, planning interesting activities together, away from the daily routine. When you can no longer overcome the obstacles that arise in marriage, it is recommended to call for outside

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