Mexican Immigration Analysis

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In class, we watched a video showing us how many Mexican immigrants enter into the us. The journey they must undertake is extremely dangerous and can at times be fatal. In the video, we look at the lives of two young men one is a mechanic who fixes Buses and cars the other a mill worker these two men decide to take the trip together. Both Must leave their families behind and risk everything they have in the hopes for a better life for not only them but their family. Their journey begins early in the morning the two men bored busses at this point in time both men are optimistic about their chances. As their journey continues so does the risk of injury or even death. Nyao and his friend must cross many borders to get were there going there’s …show more content…

The train doesn’t stop and has been known to severely injure or kill those who can’t hold on. One of the many dangers these men face when coming over to our country however if the train doesn’t kill you the police might or any of the gangs that can be encountered on the way. Nayo and his friend encounter this problem on their way there stopped by police and robed and then sent back across the border with no money these men must go back to their family’s their journey is over. On the during this undocumented documentary you’ll see bands singing about the dangers and the journey these men face. The cartels often do this to boast about a kill or crime they have committed and these songs can be heard on the radio. For those who make it to the last border there are a few supplies needed these are crackers and sardines small fish in a can like tuna. These will help replenish the nutrients lost while walking. Once you make it to the river you get naked put your close in a plastic bag tie the bag off with your shoe lace and use the other lace and tie it around your waist and then swim across. At this point you’ve made it to America and while you hear you’ll be hunted by vigilantes and by border

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