Meursault: The Absurd Hero

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Humans, as creatures of reason, continue to struggle to find meaning in an indifferent world that offers no sense. In trying to find meaning, man often creates spiritual reasons to the unexplainable. Philosopher Albert Camus explores this absurdity and argues that once this absurdity is recognized one can enjoy life fully. By accepting the meaninglessness of the universe and “by silenc[ing] all the idols” (Camus The Myth of Sisyphus), the suffering man transforms into the absurd hero. This transformation is highlighted in Camus’ The Stranger as the protagonist Meursault evolves into a character who recognizes and accepts life’s meaninglessness further rejecting supernatural theories creating meaning. Meursault’s indifference to events throughout …show more content…

Throughout the novel, Meursault is pushed towards secular thinking that often emphasizes meaning and purpose. When interrogated for his crime the question of his motive is repeatedly brought up, yet Meursault’s answer was consistently silence. The examining magistrate becomes frustrated by Meursault’s indifference to the crime and further attempts to use religion to finding meaning in Meursault’s actions. The magistrate continually attempts to push Christianity onto Meursault saying “He suffered for your sake” (Camus, The Stranger 43). The magistrate does this in the hopes that the idea of someone suffering would have Meursault find a meaning in his crime. However, Meursault openly rejects religion, stating directly to the magistrate that he didn’t believe in God. Meursault believes that believing in a God would be granting meaning and purpose to a meaningless life. By rejecting religion, Meursault is rejecting systems created to find rationality in this world of irrationality. This recognition by Meursault exhibits Meursault’s knowledge that attempting to find a purpose in life is pointless. This recognition is again seen when the chaplain visits Meursault in prison before his execution. The chaplain only wish is to turn Meursault to God with the belief that resolution with God before his death will show some purpose in Meursault’s death;

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