Meursault Quotes

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Quote Analysis Assignment
Danny Wilmot
Mrs. P

A man by the name of Thornton Wilder said, “We live in what is, but we find 1,000 ways not to face it,” and to me this quote is saying we live in a world full of tragedies and emotion, but always find a way to stay away from them. In, The Stranger, Meursault suffers from his mother’s death and struggles with finding happiness. This attitude sets up a theme in the story. How he avoids emotions to serious events causes Meursault to think about how a person's life isn’t really important in society. Meursault refuses to think about anything such as fate or God and only believes what he can see. He can only use logic. Whether it is his mother's death, Marie's need to prove her love, or even his killing of the Arab, nothing actually affects his emotions. This quote applies to Meursault because he is a bothered man who can never face his feelings. Meursault begins this story with a prime example of this quote. On page one, Meursault says, “Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know.” (Page 1) He seems un-affected by the …show more content…

Later, Meursault goes to the beach and ends up walking to the spring to cool off, when he arrives, he spots the Arab. The Arab draws his knife, “The light shot off the steal was like a long flashing blade cutting at my forehead.” (Page 59) and Meursault shoots him. “I fire four more times into the motionless body where the bullets lodged without leaving a trace.” (Page 59) Meursault has no recognizance of the crime he has caused at this point and shows no feeling towards it. “It was like knocking four times at the door of unhappiness.” - Meursault states on page 59; which says that he knows he should feel bad about what he had done but in reality he just can’t, he is just used to finding ways around his

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