Method Of Urban Planning In Ebenezer Howard's Garden City

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Garden city is a method of urban planning in which self-contained communities are surrounded by greenbelts (invisible line designating a boarder around a certain area, preventing development of the area and allowing wildlife to return and established) containing areas of residences, industry and agriculture. Actually, the origin of Garden City idea was developed by Ebenezer Howard in the 19th century and is known for his Publication Garden Cities of Tomorrow (1898) , the description of a utopian city in which people live harmoniously together with nature. The publication resulted in the founding of the garden city movement that realized several Garden Cities in Great Britain at the beginning of the 20th century. He had no training in urban planning or design but excelled in creating places which he called “magnets” where people would want to come to reside and work. Garden City concept was an effective response for a better quality of life in over crowded and dirty industrial towns which had deteriorated the environment and posed serious threat to health. It was planned on a concentric pattern with open spaces, public parks and six radial boulevards (type of large road running through a city) extending from centre. It will combine the town and country to …show more content…

Second is, Limit of Town and to be specific it was about the size. The growth of towns to be limited, in order that their inhabitants may live near work, shops, social centers, and each other and also near open country. Third is, Amenities which an internal texture of towns to be open enough to permit of houses with private gardens, adequate space for schools and other functional purposes, and pleasant parks and

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