Metaphors In Waves By Bahamas

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The song "Waves" by Bahamas, written by Afie Jurvanen (the lead singer), conveys a message about Jurvanen and his past lovers. Jurvanen uses metaphors to describe his relationships. Suggesting that each women he has been with is a single rolling wave in the oceans of his love life "And I saw myself as one of many waves" (2). Jurvanen continues to illustrate his relationships when he expresses "And when I knew I'd become the oceans slave / I just stayed" (3,4). This being another metaphor to express that, even when Jurvanen knew he was in trouble, he didn't have the courage or whatever it may have been for him to leave the relationship. Thus dreading the relationship and treating it like a job. "Of the waves I was not first I was not last"

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