Metamorphosis Compare And Contrast Essay

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People today live in an absurd world, where they are constantly working and on the go, they forget what matters most to them like their dreams and aspirations and become work zombies. That is why the stories of the Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy speak to me, they comment on the absurdity of mundane daily life and tasks that we have become accustomed to and make you think about the life that you are living. The main characters of the two stories, Gregor Samsa and Ivan Ilych, become overwhelmed by the amount of pressures that they put on themselves and by their families. The two characters epitomize what the workers of today have become and the worst part is they never realize how unhappy they have become until it is too late. I know many of us feel the burden of working to much and not living the way we want to. These stories are very bleak and don't offer hope for the main characters, they failed to adapt and perished because of it. The stories make you feel that as if there is no escaping the absurdity of life, as is the …show more content…

We dislike change because it brings uncertainty, and uncertainty breeds fear. That is why we stick to the status quo. In his story The Death of Ivan Ilych, Leo Tolstoy writes, “Ivan Ilych's life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible” (129). Tolstoy point is that Ivan’s life had become so ordinary and uneventful, it had become dull. There was no excitement for Ivan, nothing that made him eager to get out of bed in the morning. I think many people have experienced the feelings that Ivan has felt. You just try to manage to get through the day. Everyone wants to believe that they are special and have great fulfilling lives but never do. It is no ones fault but their own, in order to have greatness you must work for it. You have to take risks and if you don't you’ll end up like Ivan Ilych and regret your entire

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