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1. Cuneiform
• The Sumerians of Mesopotamia implemented a pictograph writing system around 3500-3000 BCE. The most contributions came from the Sumerian city of Uruk, when they advanced it to the wedge-shape system that was based on sounds and not ideas or pictures.
• It is significant to history because it is the first known system of writing with sounds. With sounds being the key to the system, it was adaptable for the Assyrians and Babylonians too. It provided so much insight to the culture and lifestyle of the Sumerians too, which helps us learn more about them, how they operated, and their religion. Before this, learning about different cultures was a lot of guessing based on how the pictures or drawings could be interpreted, and that may not have always been what they actually meant.
2. Domestication
• During the Neolithic Revolution in the Western Hemisphere from around 10000-2000 BCE, …show more content…

Territorial States
• Territorial States were boundaries set either geographically or by demographic limits. They had one ruler, and order was established by shared values and legal codes. They originally occurred when nomadic people began to arrive in Mesopotamia around 2000 BCE.
• The significance this has in history is that it is where people began to be able to coexist. Different people with the same values and religion could all live together with a different region of people with different beliefs could be ruled near by. This allowed for the development of treaties and diplomacy, and allowed for trade advancements. However, they created a lot of tension and war over land, and that is something we still struggle with today, and when war is occurring, it makes it more difficult to trade and coexist.
5. Alluvium
• This is just loose sediment rock and soil that is left behind from flowing rivers. It is the key to starting the Agriculture Revolution during the Neolithic time period. It originated in the Fertile Crescent and then quickly spread throughout the

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