Mentoring In The Workplace

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Mentoring is always long term, requires time in which both parties can learn about on another and build a climate of trust. The business world too has adopted the program in order to encourage the employees to take a more proactive part in their career planning. The program consist of orientation and integration program that helps aspirant to become accustomed to new climate or new conditions with the help of more advanced form of mentoring tools to foster new skills and career advancement ability. There are two types of mentoring: i. Informal Mentoring: It is a traditional form of mentoring which is also called as classical mentoring where the mentor chooses a protégé who can be relate with and the mentor is in turn the role model for the …show more content…

The proper blend and influence of leadership styles and mentoring functions will result in development of more theory Y employees who are ambitious, self motivated and self controlled. They enjoy their mental and physical work duties and possess creative problem solving abilities rather than theory X employees. They believe that satisfaction of doing a good job is a strong …show more content…

Yet, they sometimes end up neglecting their protégés. Such mentors might be preoccupied with the challenges in their own careers, excessively busy from heavy workload or insecure about their standing in the organization. They can be evasive when they would be called upon for advice or any support, or always put their priorities first. It is all perfectly understandable, but that does not excuse the damage it does to protégé's ego, or wasting protégé's time. Such negligence can lead to protégés' feeling that their mentors do not value their relationship. At worst, they may withdraw from relationship or even leave the organization. At the least, they would be so annoyed or hurt that they would not be open to accepting any guidance. MANIPULATION BY MENTOR: Manipulation is most common when mentor is the protégé's direct supervisor or manager up the ladder in very same department. It is more damaging and less subtle than the negligence, and it comes in three major forms:

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