Mental Health Pre-Practicum Internship

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A Reflection of Centaur at Aspire Health Partners: Mental Health Pre-Practicum A pre-practicum internship can be an extremely beneficial off campus endeavor that one can experience prior to the actual internship. The central rationale of pre-practicum is to add meaning to the educational undertakings of the student. Consequently, it facilitates tangible practices that embolden the association of theory and method. Pre-practicum affords an experiential gathering opportunity for students to relate ideas, information, and services gained in real situations to classroom discussion. It also allows students to assess the personal suitability of a prospective career choice and to develop an awareness of community services, economic underpinnings, There remains this experience in my mind that I need to write about that actually inspired me in countless behaviors in reference to service and self. I consider relationships concerning those in the helping field and those obtaining aid stands as particularly vital; hence, I believe I must direct focus on this concept. I resolved to enter this discipline because I wanted to give back to those in the community in need. One day I was speaking with a counselor at Centaur who happened to tell me about the significance of connecting to clients, and she expressed to me that I should pay homage to those who accept the “gift” of service because without them, we would not possess the zeal to accomplish authentic behaviors approaching community service. I realized these were true words of wisdom because when I thought about it, I realized my actions were not just about those that I helped but how I helped myself. Thus, in my opinion, these connections were essentially interactions that were in effect a “gift” that could be passed on. I am not just here to help and individual, I am here to create notable connections that would present the motivation to others to also aid those in need and bolster the In light of my pre-practicum, I have undergone many transformations including: academically, individually, psychologically, and socially. Besides, this pre-practicum experience remained undoubtedly one of the best learning exercises that I have been involved with. This agency has helped me to empathize with the struggle of the client with HIV/AIDS within and outside the LGBTQ community. It created an awareness in me that assisting those in need really renews another person’s hope, and that in turn may cause them to pass that hope on. Through this experience, I have appreciated that I am exactly where I want to be, and have learned the realities of being a counselor in an agency. I feel that this experience has given me a perspective that I will value throughout my

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