Evaluating Mental Health Legislation in Lebanon

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Mental health legislation is basically protecting rights of individuals with mental disabilities by protecting their human rights, autonomy and freedom (Kerbage,Chammay,Richa ,2015). In addition to access to mental health services in community setting (Kerbage,Chammay , Richa, 2015) that are currently do not exist in Lebanon. In order to examine the effectiveness of mental health legislation one should compare it to international guidelines to ensure a stronger and more effective means of protecting rights of people with mental disorders. In 2006 the United Nations General assembly conducted CRPD (convention on the rights of person with disabilities) legal binding UN document which is based on Mental Illness principles (MI) and declaration of Madrid by World Psychiatric Association as an international guideline (Kerbage,Chammay ,Richa ,2015). …show more content…

In Lebanon, a mental health policy is not formed although there is certain acts and legislation that contain elements of mental health but these acts are not part of the national mental health policy that will provide access to mental health services in a community

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