Mental Health Inequalities

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Throughout history, mental health has been taken for granted; many have not attempted to understand the importance of taking care of their mentality, preferring to focus on physical health instead. Individuals who may suffer from mental illnesses are often unable to receive proper treatment for their concerns, due to the lack of treatments available, social support or professional aid, to name a few. In particular, individual mental health is impacted by economic and age-based inequalities present in modern society. Due to the stigma that surrounds mental illness, individuals who must deal with their mental health are at a severe disadvantage in terms of trying to contribute to society. In addition to dealing with their mental illnesses, they …show more content…

Even individuals who suffer from problems with their mental health are in need of jobs to maintain a standard of living, though it is not usually easy for them to obtain jobs. For example, certain employment programs and service providers require their workers to understand severe mental illnesses so that they can assist those in need keep their jobs (Cott et al., 2014). However, the jobs that they receive do not provide much opportunity for growth or career advancement. This inequality is due to the belief that those suffering from mental illnesses would be unable to succeed without immeasurable help from others (Cott et al., 2014). As such, the struggle to find jobs may harm certain individuals, as it is not an easy path for them, and they are discriminated against even while they are within the workforce. This may feed some mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety, since the rejection from jobs could negatively affect their behaviour and feelings about themselves. Conversely, work itself can be detrimental as well. This is because the stress that accompanies a person’s work can significantly lower their mental health and cause them to suffer from illnesses such as burnout, reduced productivity, somatic illness and even mortality, to name a few (Griffiths, 2014). It can happen to anyone, despite the quality of their mental …show more content…

They encounter differing behaviours when attempting to receive help for their mental health, and the inequality is apparent with the fact that adult symptoms are used to understand the mental health of youth, even though they deal with alternate indications than that of adults. Stigma also plays a big part in how people see themselves if they have mental illnesses, and it can affect their jobs and what they do throughout their lifetimes. Mental health affects much of a person’s abilities to handle everyday life, and therefore should be treated with care, regardless of external factors. Nevertheless, some are unable to properly care for themselves, or find physicians who can help them, such as the Hmong, and will therefore suffer and develop illnesses as a result of the lack of aid. The negativity surrounding declining mental health is not helpful to those struggling with it, and while some companies attempt to rectify their mistakes and try to help those with mental illnesses, not all are as considerate. So, though inequalities surrounding mental health are vast and wide, economic and age-based inequalities can be apparent through the examples demonstrated above. It is a broad topic, but also affects individuals in different ways, despite any differences between them. Mental health is important

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