Mental Health In College Essay

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Improving College Student Mental Health
Everyone feels anxious and stressed at times. However, when these feelings become a common every day ordeal, they can have devastating effects on one’s mental health. In recent years, the number of college students who are saying they have mental illnesses has been steadily increasing. Not everyone is going to be willing to get help, and the result of that could be a drop in academic performance and overall unhappiness. What colleges need to do is provide means of helping those who need it and ways to keep stress levels down to prevent devastating mental disorders from developing.
Over the years there has been a slow but steady increase in the number of college students claiming they are suffering from mental disorders such as depression, eating disorders, and social anxiety. According to research gathered by the National Alliance on Mental Illness across multiple college campuses, “One in four students have a diagnosable illness…40% do not seek help…80% feel overwhelmed …show more content…

The Community for Accredited Online Schools has an article that proposes ideas such as “canine therapy, nap halls, and stress and anxiety peer groups” to help decrease stress that students may be under ("Student Mental Health Awareness”). Some colleges bring animals to campus during crucial stressful points in the semester, such as finals week, to help ease their minds as they play with dogs and cats. There can also be workshops that students attend weekly that focus on helping them overcome mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. Instructors should be more informed and more mindful that their students could be suffering in silence with a potential disorder. Even acknowledging that mental illness exists can be enough to help a student in need. They don’t need to think they’re crazy, they need to know their illness is real and that there are many ways to help treat

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