Memory Improvement Research Paper

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Memory Improvement Made Easy By Windsor Harris Aug 6, 2011 Memory improvement techniques are a great help to those of us who suffer from forgetfulness and the resulting chaos in our daily lives. Memory can be defined as the ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences. This ability to connect individual incidents, names, faces and locations in the context of time and to bring them together in a cohesive whole in the shape of memories is essential to living a full and satisfying life. Memory Systems and Processes The brain has three main memory systems: sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. Sensory memory refers to the ability to accurately retain sensory impressions (visual, auditory and so on) on a short-term basis. The capacity of sensory memory is approximately twelve items, but it degrades very …show more content…

As the name suggests, this is the information that the brain processes from the short term memory and stores for later use. Some Helpful Memory Improvement Tips Most memory development systems work on either the short term or the long term memories and the process by which one is converted into the other. There are a number of easily learnt memory improvement techniques that can help you enhance this process of transferring information from the short-term to the long-term memories. These include: * Chunking: Chunking is a memory development system that is helpful in increasing the effectiveness of the short-term memory. In Chunking, a person organizes material into meaningful groups so that they are more easily recallable. * For example, when attempting to remember a phone number, rather than trying to remember the entire string of 10 digits, you can group the digits into three chunks: the area code, a three-digit chunk and lastly a four-digit chunk. With constant practice and the usage of existing information in long-term memory, chunking can greatly improve the short-term

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