Memorial Dbq

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As children, we often go on field trips to visit various places and memorials that were constructed for a purpose we know not; however, these memorials allow us to learn about, honor, and respect those who have come before us and have had memorable and inspiring actions-those that have thought to do something beyond what we may have previously thought or understood. At the end of the day, however, we go home and continue with the rest of our lives without knowing the amount of thought or effort building that memorial required to create. A memorial must be in the right place that compliments the surrounding terrain and pertains to the right audience. A memorial must be of something others deem as important such as great achievements or deep sacrifice. A memorial must convey an underlying meaning or message worth noting. A memorial must create a separate world in which an individual can only visit a little while when their brain thinks back to that time and what they have heard about that person or event. Memorials …show more content…

According to Source F, there was a sculpture of a guy named H. Elroy Johnson kneeling before a lobster, and nobody wanted it and it was “vandalized, repaired, and ended up in a warehouse where is was eaten by rats,” however, when he died, the sculpture became of significance and “cost $30,000.” A person can not force an event to be significant, to be honored, or to be remembered with a monument -it either is worth noting or it’s not. A memorial should also have a key aspect that ties in that memory in the most exemplifying way. According to Source G, “the design must be apolitical, harmonious with the site, and conciliatory.” The memorial should encompass a notable event in which others are able to respond and remember it in an enlightening

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