Meiosis And Mitosis Essay

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Cell division is extremely important; cells must divide in order to maintain an efficient volume to surface area ratio, allow organisms to grow and develop, and repair any damaged tissue. Cells are able to do all this through two processes: meiosis and mitosis. Without these processes, humans would not be able to do many of the basic functions we are so accustomed to, including growing, healing even the smallest cuts, and even reproducing! However, meiosis and mitosis, although both procedures for cell division, are very different. Mitosis is the type of cell division that produces somatic cells. This means that all body cells, such as skin cells, muscle cells, hair cells, etc are produced through mitosis. These cells are all diploid …show more content…

This means that all the sperm in males and eggs in females are produced from meiosis. Sperm and egg cells are haploid cells-they contain only one of each type of chromosome. Meiosis actually starts with a diploid cell that undergoes two divisions; the end products are four gametes, all genetically different. Meiosis is known as a reduction division because the daughter cells always contain half the amount of chromosomes as the diploid beginner cell. Chromosomes come in pairs and these pairs are called homologous pairs. Homologous chromosomes mean that both of the chromosomes in the pair have the same gene sequence. Human somatic cells(diploid) contain 46 chromosomes consisting of 23 homologous pairs; therefore, human gametes, which are haploid, have 23 total chromosomes-one from each homologous pair. Just like in mitosis, meiosis undergoes all of the same phases. However, because meiosis involves two divisions, the cell goes through all the phases twice. When referring to the first time the cell undergoes a phase, we say 1, and when referring to the second time, we say 2. For example, when a cell starts prophase the first time in meiosis, we say it is going through prophase 1(P1). Also, there are some differences in the process itself. During P1, homologous chromosomes exchange a section of themselves in what is known as crossing over. This provides a source of genetic variation since part of each chromosome switched places with each other, thus making both chromosomes distinct from the original. Another important difference to know is that in anaphase 1, the doubled chromosomes are not separated into sister chromatids. This doesn’t happen until A2 to ensure that each of the four gametes receives one of each kind of chromosome. There are many key points to understand about meiosis. The first being that cells in meiosis do not go through interphase twice. Interphase is a “one-time” thing; DNA

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