Megalodon Research Paper

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Megalodon David Barnes Mrs. Trant 2nd period 5/24/17 Megalodon is still alive to this day because their has been giant sea animals bitten in half like a shark,whale,and there is footage of the Megalodon. The Megalodon went extinct 2.6 million years ago but I love the megalodon because it is the most ferocious predator. Meet the biggest predator in vertebrate history. The Megalodon shark is most known as the most gigantic shark to have ever lived on our planet and one of the largest vertebrate predators in history. Megalodons traveled the seas from 28 million years ago until 1.6 million years ago when they were wiped out during the Pleistocene Extinction. Megalodons were as we know gigantic and humongous. Some of the teeth found from this great predator have been maybe 17 centimeters in total height but most are between 3 to 5 inches. Reconstructions using jaws and other bones suggest that Megalodons most likely reached maximum lengths up to 54 feet around 3 times larger than Great Whites.

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