Mediterranean Cultural Change Essay

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Mediterranean Cultural Change (200 - 1000 CE)
During the period of 200 CE and 1000 CE, there had been changes all around the world. The region of Mecca between 570-632 CE, Muhammad was the Arab prophet and founder of the Islam religion as he began to spread the religion. There were also the formation of the caliphates, Umayyad and Abbasid, of the Muslim dynasties in Mecca. Kievan Russia was founded in 880 CE in Ukraine by scandinavian adventurers asserting authority over slavic population. The Holy Roman Empire is founded in 962 CE. Between 581 and 618 CE, the Sui dynasty had unified China and achieved economical advances from building the Grand Canal, as they were followed by the Tang dynasty. The Tang (618-907 CE) used Mahayana Buddhism as their religious doctrines as they also excelled in trade, but eventually decline and were followed by the Song dynasty in 960 CE. Around 963 CE, Vietnam adopts the Chinese culture of Tang and Song. In 600 CE - 900 CE the Mesoamerican civilization made advances in astronomy and mathematics. Teotihuacan was at it’s peak in 600 CE as the largest city in Americas and they had built many religious architecture and practiced human sacrifice. Maya civilization was during the dominance of Teotihuacan, as the Mayans developed the Mesoamerican calendar. Between 320 - 550 CE, the Gupta Empire in northern India followed the footsteps of the Mauryan Empire before, and they developed the theater-state to persuade others. The changes and continuities in the Mediterranean …show more content…

Romanization had supported the success of the Roman empire as people were rewarded for their good service in the empire. The belief in Christianity had caused a religious transformation throughout the empire as people believed in different teachings of the church. These changes had created turmoil around the Roman

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