Medicinal Plant Essay

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Since time immemorial, mankind has tried to find medications to remove pain and cure various diseases. A Sumerian clay slab from 5000 years ago is the oldest written evidence of the usage of medicinal plants for the preparation of drugs, in which there were 12 recipes referring to over 250 herbs (1). The Chinese book on roots and grasses written by Emperor Shen Nung (c 2500 BC) “Pen T’Sao” described 365 drugs, many of which including Theae folium, Rhei rhisoma, Camphor, Podophyllum, Ginseng, Jimson weed, Yellow gentian, Cinnamon bark, and Ephedra are used even today (2). There are several other age-old books originating from various countries. However, the most prominent one written on medicinal plants is from Dioscorides, “the father of …show more content…

These compound drugs comprised medicinal plants along with drugs of animal and plant origin. If the drug was prepared from a number of medicinal plants, minerals and rare animals, it was highly valued and sold at a premium (6). In the 18th century, Linnaeus (1707-1788) devised a scheme for classifying plant species. In order to name plants, a polynomial system was employed where the first word denoted the genus while the remaining polynomial phrase explained other features of the plant (e.g. the willow Clusius was named Salix pumila angustifolia antera). Linnaeus then, transformed the naming system into a binominal one. Hence, the name of each species consisted of the genus name, with an initial capital letter, followed by the species name, with an initial small letter …show more content…

Many authors claimed that drugs obtained from medicinal plants possessed shortcomings mainly due to the destructive action of enzymes. Moreover, in the 19th century, glycosides and alkaloids, isolated in pure form and used in therapeutics were increasingly supplanting the herbal medicines from which they had been derived. Nevertheless, it was soon ascertained that although the action of pure alkaloids was faster, the effects of plant-derived alkaloid drugs were extensive and long-lasting. Early in the 20th century, stabilization methods for the preparation and use of fresh medicinal plants were proposed. Furthermore, considerable efforts were invested in the study of optimal conditions for cultivating and manufacturing medicinal plants (9) since active components are more abundant from such well-maintained natural sources

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