Medication Errors: A Literature Review

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The authors of Computerized Physician Order Entry and Medication Errors in a Pediatric Critical Care Unit explored the effectiveness of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems on medication errors. The study’s stated purpose was “to see the impact of CPOE on the frequency of medication errors at the degree of physician ordering in a pediatric critical care unit (PCCU)” (Potts, A.L., Barr, F. E., Gregory, D. F., Wright, L., & Patel, N. R., 2004). The work was set in the PCCU of an academic foundation and included medication errors from the two month period before the implementation of CPOE – October 4, 2001 to December 4 2001 – and a two month period after CPOE – January 4, 2002 to March 4, 2002 – with a one month period in between when no information was garnered in order to acclimate hospital staff (Potts et al., 2004). Each error was categorized into one of three groups: potential adverse drug effects (ADEs), medication ordering errors (MPEs), and rule violations (RVs). The results …show more content…

A computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system can provide many enhancements to preventing medication mistakes. Using the CPOE will allow all health maintenance providers to have an easily accessible list of all current medications the patient is on and will reduce the process of ordering a medication for a patient, which will lessen the probability of an error occurring throughout the procedure. This organization will also allow pharmacists, nurses, and physicians a form of communication by electronic means. In summary, the combined effort of healthcare professionals and electronic support can greatly reduce medication

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