Medicaid Essay

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Federal government matching funds are provided to the states based on their per captia income. The majority of medicaid beneficiaries are children. One in four children in the United States is covered under Medicaid. The remaining recipients that are involved of more than eighty million noneldery (54 years and under) adults with children at home.

In the United States, spending on Medicaid's forty million beneficiaries is projected to an overall of two hundred twenty billion during the fiscal year of 2001. In the year 1998, the federal government's share of medicaid expenditures averaged about fifty-seven percent in every state. Eleven percent is the average rate the Medicaid spending grew during the years between 1980 to 2000. Moderate spending caused a concern to both the federal legal and regulatory efforts aimed at states use of financing mechanisms. For example most states used a huge amount of disproportionate share hospital payments, intergovernmental transfers, and provider taxes and donations. However, this did not impact the enrollment of people to Medicaid due to a strong economy along with state welfare reform and fewer expansions in eligibility. Services provided to Medicaid recipients were provided at costs that remained constant due to moderate health care price inflation along with expanded use of managed care and increased use of home and community-based alternative to costly institutional long term care.

The federal and state governments are trying to find a way to managed their Medicaid by reducing costs and improving the amount of quality the Medicaid provides. Both federal and state governments are trying to eliminate unnecessary services and rely more on their primary care and the coordination of care. sta...

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...creased amount of flexibility and control over expenditures. It also gives the state to limit annual contributions, create a waiting list, or stop enrollment once the funds have been exhausted. The State Children's Health Insurance program succeeded on its mission by reducing the number of uninsured children. It started of slow in increasing the number of children that are insured but developed and improved throughout the years with resulting to a three million children who got insured.

The Guam health Canter provides different types of medical service towards people who benefits from Medicaid. It includes laboratory and X- ray services, in and out-patients (people who are suffering from recent or long term illness). The Guam Community Health Centers also provides heath screening for children or different types of shots to prevent future illness like tuberculosis.

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