Media Violence In The Media Essay

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When television was first invented in 1929, it became a very big event in the United States and then in 1950, came the new hip thing we know today as video games it also became a great craze with the youth. These inventions have advanced so much since 1929 and 1950, while violence in the media has increased, causing more cases of aggression in children to become more present. In this paper, I will view two different positions on the issue of media violence and its affects on children. The first point of view is media violence causing aggression in children where most of these views come from parents and psychologists who believe the increase in violence in the media causes children to become more aggressive. The second point of view comes from …show more content…

Studies show how there is a change in behavior in both the female and male children, but shown in different ways. For male’s, aggression is shown more as a physical form while for girls it’s shown in a backstabbing form showing the difference in aggression among males and females. For females, its more common for rumors to start while for males its more common for physical attacks making females involve in the idea to intent to harm someone mentally. There are always outside factors like culture and environmental factors can cause aggression to take place. Viewing physical violence on television can influence relational and verbal aggression. Relational aggression meaning as in any type of indirect or direct aggression involves in the damage in relationships or feelings of acceptances. This was mostly seen in preschoolers, teenagers, and even adults causing the activation of either prime or all types of aggression when exposed to the violence shown in the

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