Argumentative Essay On Media Violence

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There are many debatable topics that fall under the area of media and the topic that I chose to write about is media violence. Some believe that cartoons actually cause violence while others believe that violence comes from nature. Also, some people think that some cartoons actually contain subliminal messages while others think that it must have been a mistake in the production. Moreover, some people claim that ratings can be misleading while other people just want more violence added. Furthermore, some people perceive videogames as a reason of the rates of crime and violence increasing while others perceive videogames as a method to let all the anger out instead of bottling it in. In addition to that, there is the issue of how parents deal …show more content…

In addition to that, she lists many situations where it shows how difficult it is to teach children what is real and what is not and the consequences of not knowing what the difference is. Also, she talks about how people tend to like violence in movies and how they comment saying that it would have been better if there were more violent scenes. Jordan also thinks that even though the animation techniques get modified and improved, it still would not change a thing. No matter how many improvements are made, there would still be violence and the situation would get much worse. According to Laura Clark, cartoons such as Scooby Doo and Pokémon contain more violent scenes than the G-rated programs, and studies show that the effect of violent videogames on children is the same effect that results from watching violent cartoon programs(Mail Online). Also, cartoon programs such as the Simpsons, The Family guy, and South Park are all definitely not age-appropriate and I realized that when one day my sister came and told me that she heard a line saying: “Mommy and Daddy, Did the Muslims kill Santa?” in a cartoon and when I found out that the cartoon she was watching was The Family guy, I explained to my sister that not …show more content…

Some believe this is true and some think it is false, I do not believe in this theory because I have seen video gamers and they seem calm and not aggressive or violent. Moreover, violence occurs in reality and we just have to accept it and stop questioning violence, when obviously children are only trying to express themselves whether they are watching TV or playing video games (Mother Jones). Furthermore, these cartoons and violent video games are called “creative violence”. But several parent concern groups maintain that the violent content of video games is unsuitable for young people, and children should be encouraged to try more traditional means of entertainment. Parents think that it is quite ridiculous that video games are allowed. They do not want their children to grow up in a horrible world and be damaged by it. Dr. Vance (The guardian) says:
"The media's main concern appears to be that enthusiastic gamers can't differentiate between games and the real world, so violent games will result in violent behavior. But anyone who has the cognitive faculties to purchase set up and operate modern games consoles won't have trouble differentiating between a cartoonish fantasy world and

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