Media Glorify Adultery Essay

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Does the media glorify adultery and does it corrupt our society? Adultery has always had a negative connotation. It’s infamous for tearing apart families, causing depression, scandal and secrets. If it has such a bad reputation, why is the media glamorizing it and portraying that it’s acceptable? Not remaining faithful to your significant other has been occurring for thousands of years. The 7th of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shall not commit adultery” (The Examiner). So therefore, in biblical times, those who cheated on their spouse were stoned to death. Since then, this view has strongly changed. Now it seems that having an affair almost seems normal and even a type of pastime. Although even some people may think that …show more content…

Take ABC's new show: "Mistresses" for example. The show's description describes the show as a "provocative and thrilling drama about the scandalous lives of a sexy and sassy group of 4 girlfriends each on their own path to self-discovery." (Deseret News) So are they implying that sleeping with married men is an expression of personal growth? Elaine Bradley from Neon Trees is disgusted with the new show as well. She tweeted: " ABC's show Mistresses. Tagline: " You can't help who you fall in love with." Um, you CAN choose to NOT sleep with a married man. Just saying." (Twitter) Schome says the show "desensitizes our culture" (Deseret News) and it's very offensive to women who have been cheated on. This is one TV show of many that makes cheating seem glamorous, exciting or even a rite of passage. Another example of this is Ashley Madison, an extra-marital affair dating website. In July, the site was hacked and millions of names who used the site were leaked onto the internet. (Express) Millions of families were torn to shreds as the cheaters were exposed. This site is disgusting because it promotes unfaithful marriages and makes it seem harmless and fun. Little did they know they’d be destroying many

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