Meat D Bagels Executive Summary

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Meat d’ Bagels product will not only produce the classic Doughnut and Burger, but a combination of it. The product will build its image in the marketplace and industry along with its uniqueness and quality. Meat d’ Bagels will bring every individual customer a delightful and flavorful eating experience as they indulge the product; “Meaty Doughnuts”. The product is basically a burger, but the only difference between an ordinary burger and the product is the type of bread or dough that the proponents use that makes it a Doughnut Burger. Instead of buns that are used for burgers, it consists of bread that is comparable to doughnut that is soft and moist. For the meaty taste, meat, particularly patty that is rich in flavor is placed between the …show more content…

The product will be offered to customer in dine or in take out, depending on what the customers want. In take out, the Meaty Doughnuts shall be available in carton box packaging. While in dine in, the product will be serve together with a plate. The proponents are just being considerate! The proponents consider many factors before they ended up in a final decision of a product choice. The proponents choose Meaty Doughnuts as their final product because of the following reasons, but first, the ultimate and simplest reason why the proponents come up in this decision of choice is combination of passion and love, the passion to bake and cook and love to burgers and …show more content…

So basically, the proponent’s group is compromised of doughnut and burger lovers, and then creativity occurs, the proponents combine burger and doughnut as a one product. But of course there are more reasons to go, the proponents didn’t end up on this decision because they just like it, but also the proponents look on different perspectives. Since the proponents are putting up a business, they need to consider the demand on the product and the objective of most businesses; to gain profit. Well, doughnuts and burgers have a market; it is well – known to our county and also globally, and a lot of people do eat burgers and doughnuts, and like the proponents, some people love them. Also, Filipinos like meriendas, most of us have a penchant for snacking. The proponents practically eat more than five (5) times a day: 3 square meals and a lot of snacking in between, and doughnut and burgers are in the list of Filipino Merienda’s even though it’s not Filipino food or cuisine. Meaty Doughnut is an attention getter; it may hook the attention of the customer, just like a fishing hook. People, especially Filipinos like to try something new; we are open to new things that are presented to us. And this meaty doughnut is new to the senses of the

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