Measuring Academic Dishonesty: Why Do Students Cheat?

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Academic dishonesty is continuing to rise because of the access students have to the internet. Nowadays everyone in a classroom has a cell phone which leads students to have poor academic behavior. In the younger generations sharing information is not frowned upon. Cell phones are without a doubt, the cause of almost all academic dishonesty. Some people believe that students are too young and immature to handle a cell phone. Therese Mageau in her article “Teaching Digital Responsibility,” states that children are still developing the concepts of right and wrong. Therefore she believes that students cheat because they do not know that it is wrong. Until schools start to teach amateurs what is right, we will not see any change in academic dishonesty. …show more content…

In her article “Measuring Academic Dishonesty,” Claudia Hermkens believes that cheating is not worth the risk because there are chances of getting caught and having to face the consequences. Usually the consequences of cheating lead to failure of a class or even expulsion from school. It seems to be that these consequences are not enough to stop students from cheating because the consequences are not harsh enough. Cheating is also difficult to prevent because most students have cell phones which make it easier for them to get information from other classmates.
Adolescents are going to keep cheating as long as they have access to their phone. Rosemary Baggish believes this is one way they are succeeding. In her article “Academic Honesty and the independent school,” she includes the percentages of High School students that admit to cheating on tests and copying others homework. This research proves that the use of technology is a key role in how teens get away with cheating. Technology could be influencing young minds to be dishonest because of apps that give answers making it easy to have this kind of

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