Measure S Summary

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Adopt a Columnist In his article column titled Making sense of Measure S, the latest battle in L.A.'s long war over development, Christopher Hawthorne analyzes a development plan in Los Angeles called “Measure S” and the different sides of the issue. Hawthorne also discusses the history of development plans in Los Angeles and how the general outlook from different groups will and is currently affecting these plans. The general idea of Measure S is anti-development and to keep building projects from changing the general plan of the city. A general plan of a city is a guide to land use in different sectors that is used as a guideline for future and current development projects. Many different policies like Measure S have existed throughout Los …show more content…

Hawthorne concludes that the people advocating for plans like this want a suburban city and to modernize and fix the general plan for it. Hawthorne also briefly delves into the arguments against Measure S made by multiple types of people, mostly surrounding how it will affect commercial investment and the housing market in the city. With limits to development, the demand for housing will continue to increase at a steady rate, but caps on the construction of apartments and other forms of housing will create a high demand and cost for these commodities. Both the Pros and Cons of Measure S are understandable and the outcome of the decision can greatly affect the future of the city. In his column, Hawthorne argues the importance of Measure S on the city and the people of Los Angeles. By providing a history of past plans revolving around the development of Los Angeles, Hawthorne shows the history and the extent of the issue in the city. By also analyzing the proponents and opponents of the issue, Hawthorne provides a way for the reader to see how it affects each person in the city. The viewpoints of the different sides are presented through quotes from individuals, or the

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