Meaning Of Oedipus The King

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1. Briefly give the meaning of Oedipus’ name, and explain how it relates to the plot of Oedipus the King and the play’s conception of fate. a. Oedipus’ name is a Greek word meaning “swollen foot.” The meaning of his name relates to the plot of Oedipus the King because in the play Oedipus has scars on his feet from them being bound and pierced when he was a baby. His parents had received a prophecy that explained that Oedipus would kill his father one day; therefore their only option was to abandon him. This relates to the play’s conception of fate as well because the meaning of Oedipus’ name being “swollen foot” shows that he was doomed to suffer from the very beginning of his life. The God’s decided his life for him before Oedipus could even walk. 2. What is Fernham College, and what is its significance? a. Fernham College is a fictional all female college created by Virginia Woolf in her work A Room of One’s Own. In this, after having lunch at Oxbridge, another college she made up, and dinner at Fernham she does some research as to why her time at these two colleges were so different from each other. In her findings she concludes that in order to be successful, “a woman must have money and a room of her own.” She comes to this by finding out the all male university she visited, Oxbridge, was more wealthy than …show more content…

Although both Augustine’s and Rousseau’s Confessions are a collection of books that describe who they were as a child compares it to who they are as an adult, they have some major differences. Augustine’s Confessions solely followed his conversion from being a sinful child to a man of God, whereas Rousseau’s is simply of his childhood that was so bright and wonderful and the second part being about his adulthood life that he would describe as being surrounded by darkness. Another distinct difference is that Augustine’s Confessions were more philosophical and religious and Rousseau’s were mostly focused on embarrassing and sensual tales of his

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