Significance of Long Hair in American Indian Culture

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Meaning of Long Hair on American Indian men Americans Indians have been around for hundreds of years before the first English settlers came into their land. Even though one cannot see American Indians in their everyday life today, many American Indians live on reservations, the land they were left with. American Indian men keep their hair long and don 't cut it unless there has been a big shift in their life. The significance of long hair on American Indian men would be a great question to do research on. To me American Indians are not close, I am an outsider so, I do not know a lot about them, but in class we have looked into their culture a little bit and I have found out a few facts. American Indians have lived in a better land than they …show more content…

In these two sources, the Indian men cut their long hair short in life changing moments, such as death, old age, and the acceptance of death. In Reservation Blues I learned that woman like it when men keep their hair in braids, but on the other hand, according to the film Smoke Signals, men see that wearing their long hair loose makes them look more masculine and looking like a mighty warrior. To me, the American Indian culture is just another culture, but it has made American culture possible. Indian Americans are an important part of every one 's life because they helped the first English settlement survive and if it wasn 't for their help no one knows if it would have been possible for the English to survive and grow into a strong country that stands …show more content…

I am interested to find out the meaning of long hair on Indian men and I am going to create an excellent research paper on the significance of long hair on men. My research paper will include many different views on the long hair on men from other cultures, not only American Indian culture. Works Cited Alexie, Sherman. Reservation Blues. New York: Atlantic Monthly, 1995. Print. Smoke Signals. Miramax, 1998. DVD. "Haircut Ruling." Northern Territory News 31 July 2005, Sunday World sec.: Pg. 013. Print. Drinnon, Richard. "The Wearing of Long Hair by Men as Viewed by Some New England Magistrates in 1649." (1649).

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