Meaning In Kim Adhanizio's First Poem For You

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Living in the present is the first step a couple should make to pursue a healthy relationship. Worrying too much about the what ifs and possibilities of a break up should not become a burden to the relationship. In Kim Addonizio’s “First Poem for You”, the fear of breakups and sour relationships is shown throughout the poem (). Scholar Christopher Porre had a similar analysis: “During the fourteen lines of the poem the speaker fascinates her/himself with the tattoos of her/his lover, at times expanding on the specific imagery of the tattoos, at others meditating on the blue ink’s permanence in comparison with love’s tendency to “[turn] to pain” (Addonizio, The Philosopher’s Club Line 12)” (Porre 1). Addonizio uses imagery and symbolism to represent the pain that a relationship can bring Water symbolizes purity in this poem with lines 5-6, “The blue swirls of heart on your shoulder” (Addonizio 5-6). The speaker knows exactly where these blue swirls of water are at, on his shoulder close to her lover’s heart. Andri Hermawan has similar insight to these lines as well, stating: “ The word water stands for a symbol which relates to her boyfriend’s love as its object. In Kim Addonizio’s poem, the meaning of the word water is pure love. In “First Poem for You” Kim Addonizio knows that just above his shoulder are the blue swirls of water ” (Hermawan 28). Hermawan also describes how the partner’s lightning tattoo symbolizes the power of love. The lightning bolt is almost like a heartbeat; with lines moving up and down, such as when a person’s heart rate increases and decreases when nervous or excited (Hermawan 26). Another tattoo described in details is the “serpent facing the dragon” ( Addonizio 6). The serpent is a symbol of fearlessness; this tattoo shows the speaker’s partner is not afraid of what is to come in life, including the future of their relationship (Addonizio

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