Meaning By Haruki Murakami

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There’s a time in everyone’s life when they hear the phrase, “there’s a person for everyone.” This just simply means that there’s a perfect person out there, for you and only you. The definition of the perfect person for someone changes with every person’s idea. In the short story “ON SEEING THE 100% PERFECT GIRL ONE BEAUTIFUL APRIL MORNING” by Haruki Murakami, the author talks about how he walked past the perfect girl. Although he says that she’s the perfect girl, it doesn’t mean that she’s completely flawless with her looks. He goes on to list several things that aren’t actually that perfect about her appearance. In the end it doesn’t matter how the world sees a person, all the matters is how you see that person. In the Beginning of the …show more content…

It was as if he didn’t want to ever see her again. He goes on to describe the way he’s feeling from the feeling in his chest and in his mouth. He describes this by saying: “The moment I see her, there’s a rumbling in my chest, and my mouth is as dry as a desert.” (Murakami) It was then where he talked to an unknown person that the author says is just someone, who isn’t the girl that he saw on the streets. As the story goes on he tries to explain the girl that he saw. For the basic questions like “what did she look like, was she your type, and did you talk to her”, he responded with nothing more than no. It was as if he didn’t even see the girl. The few details that he gives about the girls, shows that she would be anything but the perfect girl. He describes her briefly as, “Tell you the truth, she’s not that good-looking. She doesn’t stand out in any

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