Mayan Compare And Contrast

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Maya Angelou and Pam Munoz Ryan are two very talented women. Maya is a poet and Pam is a writer. Maya was born on April 4, 1928 in st. Louis Missouri and she passed away May 28, 2014. Pam was born on December 25, 1951 in Bakersfield, California. Pam is a teacher at Oklahoma college. Maya was one of America's most cherished civil rights activists. They both are very different people, but similar as well. Maya Angelou and Pam Munoz are very alike women as well. They were both character writers. Pam and Maya both were teachers, Pam still is one. They both visited the white house. Both of them also believed that the immigration system could be better. Maya and Pam both believed in the educational system. These both ladies were also mothers

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