Maya Angelou Banned

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"I am sorry that people ban my books. Many times I've been called the most banned. Many times my books are banned by people who never read two sentences" Maya Angelou the profound author was alluding to her book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. This book is an autobiography on Maya Angelou's life. High school students should be able to read this book because it offers a unique perspective. Angelou talks about how racism and rape were two things thrown in front of her. She talks about actual events that happened in her life and how she grew from it. This book shouldn't be banned because it talks about how one person could so easily be affected by the obstacles put in front of them and still come up from them. How do we educate children by censoring everything that is deemed inappropriate? …show more content…

"Wouldn’t they be surprised when one day I woke out of my black ugly dream, and my real hair, which was long and blonde, would take the place of the kinky mass that Momma wouldn’t let me straighten" (Angelou Prologue). Her self hatred from her younger years is something most black girls have gone through. Self hatred, with women of color, isn't really identified in a lot of works of literature. When Maya Angelou referenced this she was targeting a specific group that isn't really focused on. This book was something a lot of black girls need to learn and look up too. It wasn't represented very well in her time . Furthermore, the black community not only needed this, but the entirety of America did

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