Maximum Wage Inequality Essay

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Inequality is on the rise due to CEOs earning 183 times more than a typical UK worker (Settle, 2015). A maximum wage is a legal limit on the income an individual can earn. It is of relevance due to the rising inequality caused by salaries significantly higher than the minimum wage being paid (Simms, 2003). This essay will consider the advantages and disadvantages of a maximum wage policy and suggest why one should be introduced. A major reason for the maximum wage is its ability to reduce inequality. Shaheen (2011) explains how wage gaps are one of the primary reasons for inequality. She reasons that inequality results in societal problems such as higher crime and poorer public health. She adds that inequality encourages borrowing which leads to over-consumption and unsustainability. Having a maximum wage would limit the extent of inequality, help confine these economic problems and ‘help ensure decent living standards for all’. In addition, Simms (2013) proposes that ‘inequality leads to instability’ and suggests that a maximum wage accompanying the existing minimum wage can …show more content…

People work to get paid and gain greater economic utility. However, limiting the amount earned would limit the utility gained and hence the willingness to work. Thus, a maximum wage restricts the contributions to society and causes the economic output to fall below its optimal. Additionally, emigration to countries without the policy would be encouraged and this will result in a shortage of skilled labourers. Nevertheless, academic evidence indicates that wages above $80,000 cause a marginal increase in wellbeing (Shaheen, 2011). Moreover, Simms (2013) argues that earning over $1 million was notably higher than the minimum wage and sufficient for an individual. This shows that the disincentive caused by an adequate maximum wage is negligible and can be

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