Religion's Influence on Economic Behavior and Darwinian Science

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According to Max Weber religion is an institution that is based on cultural needs of man and has added capacity to human development and human life. In his book “Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism” Weber argues that the values of the protestant institution and its ethics played an important role in the economy of Western countries. His study focused on how a religious sect can influence the economic behavior of its attendants. The main concern of Weber was to know until what extension the religious conceptions of the world of existence have an impact on the economic behavior of Western societies. The strongest influences according to Weber on the development of capitalism was the Calvinist sect of Protestant religion. Weber examines
The fear of the teaching of Darwinian science is within our society especially in the American south in which it’s an endless debate because according to Darwin all species of organisms come into being and develop through natural selection that increase the individual’s ability to compete, reproduce and survive putting in risk and putting on doubt the creation of the world by a God. As humans beings we are in an era in which technology and new sciences are emerging and it is very important to have cultural knowledge about the Darwinian sciences because no other theory has had as significant effect on the foundation of the modern world, our perception of nature, the evolution of life, and consequently, the perception of ourselves as human beings and our place in the world. We know as reasonable human beings that we need to study and continue discovering and exploring our world the place in which we live but our values even though the incorporation of the Darwinian sciences in schools and universities in the American south may seem logical our values and ideas (in this case, the idea of studying a science in which is not God who created our world) definitely influence the making of certain decisions. It is our beliefs and values which helps to shape our behavior. This is what Weber linked between the religious beliefs and economic behavior. Religion
Some states banned the teaching of evolution and a number of landmark Supreme Court decisions have blocked the option of teaching Darwinian science. The problem in USA is that many states agree and consider passing laws that provide the permission to teachers to feel freedom to question scientific theories including the theory of the evolution but the controversy arise when other states from the south of USA including Colorado and Florida didn’t want to consider to pass the same law. However, the states of Oklahoma, Missouri and Virginia have the consideration to pass this law but it hasn’t been passed yet. In the contrary those who oppose these laws argue that teaching Darwinian sciences could replace religious notions leaving students with a gap in their understanding of life’s origins and development. The future of a civilization is the hands of the youth so if a new science emerge and argue the existence of God will develop a new era in which less people will believe in a supernatural force and religion could disappear. On the other hand if students study Darwinian science they could judge the scientific truth. It can be seen from religious conservatives the rejection of Darwinian science because they think it promotes a morally corrupting materialism. However, I would like

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