Maturity Levels in Characters

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Maturity Levels in Characters

Maturity levels increase and decrease in characters in works of literature and also throughout one's real life. It's hard for the maturity level of the person to stay the same. Ron Jones' The Acorn People, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh clearly show the degree of maturity in characters in a work of literature. Ron Jones in The Acorn People shows a low maturity level when first arriving at the summer camp, but later his maturity level increased into a higher level. Laura Wingfield's character in The Glass Menagerie was extremely shy throughout most of the play. By the end of the play, Laura was able to hold a conversation with her old crush, Jim O'Connor. Sydney Carton of A Tale of Two Cities showed a rise is his maturity level when he took the place of Charles Darnay in the prison cell so that Lucie (Sydney's true love) would be able to be with her husband. Aimee Thanatogenos of The Loved One…. A person can be described as "mature" when he or she has grown physically and mentally, and has demonstrated the ability to be responsible for his/her actions. Whether it's an increase or decrease of maturity level, a change in it always shows a change in character and attitude.

Ron Jones' maturity level rocketed after he became a camp counselor at Camp Wiggin and he also had a major attitude change along with that. Ron had placed himself in the camp counselor position merely for a good-paying job. In college he was an athlete, and playing with kids all day, swimming, and taking long hikes had also drawn him to the job. Little did he know this session of camp, was for the handicapped kids. Ron, along with the other counselors, were not trained for these kinds of tasks that they had to deal with, with the disabled kids and by the end of the first afternoon- Ron wanted out. His attitude was negative towards the situation he was put in and he felt that he would not be able to get close with these kids. The next day was better for him and throughout the next few days he slowly got to know and love the kids.

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