Mature Outside, Childish Inside

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Like other teens, fifteen year old Connie also had that youthful coquetry that she could just not control and had to let out to feel that mental pleasure of her actions she was trying to obtain. Unlike her older sister who was living the “in-home and innocent youth” life which was expected to be the “normal” American tradition for women to act, air-headed Connie had that flame inside her to rebel and the only way she could extinguish that flame was to give in to the stranger, Arnold Friend. Connie’s conflicts with her family and efforts to make herself sexually attractive are part of her search for independence and exploration. But her out of control desires and goals to “mature” only lead her into the wrong path. As a teenager Connie still somewhat needs the help of adults in her life mostly her family, for care and discipline as well as for establishing her social life because she has not yet fully developed in becoming independent but only rather attempts to act that way. For example, her friend’s father drives Connie and her friend to the movie theater. Even though Connie occa...

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