Math Write Up For The Pumpkin Problem

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Math Write Up for “The Pumpkin Problem” Problem Statement: I went shopping for pumpkins the other day. I needed to buy three pumpkins. For some strange reason, instead of weighing the pumpkins individually the pumpkin farm weighed them in pairs. I wasn't there to see which pumpkin was weighed with which. But the three pair weights were 36 lbs., 43 lbs., and 49 lbs. Process: When I finished all my other homework, I asked my sister for help with this problem. She told me to told me to get a piece of paper, divide it into three columns, write the three pair-weights that were given in the problem, and find possible solutions that equal those three pair-weights. After finishing what she told me to do I came up with these possible solutions: - Pumpkin I weighed 15 pounds, Pumpkin II weighed 21 pounds, and Pumpkin III weighed 28 pounds - Pumpkin I weighed 16 pounds, …show more content…

I can keep going, but there are still many more solutions to be found. Solution: At this point, my sister came over and asked how I was doing on the problem. I told her I was fine. She asked me to explain how I answered the problem, so I told her my explanation while giving her the opportunity to look over my work to make sure it was correct. The first two steps (dividing the paper into three parts and finding different ways to get the weight of each pumpkin that was given) was what was happening as I was getting deeper into the problem and finding more and more solutions to it. In the end, it really helped to use a three column sheet to organize the different ways to get the three pair-weights. I knew I was getting the right solutions every time I used the three column sheet because when I added together the pumpkin I and pumpkin II, I got the right answer for their weight all together. The same thing happened to pumpkins I and III, and pumpkins II and

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