Mass Shooting Research Paper

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Taylor- Intro The United States is one of the only countries with the continuing problem of mass murder. 58 people lost their lives and more than 50 were injured when a man opened fire at an outdoor country music festival in Las Vegas on October 1st, 2017 (Hanley 6). This is one of countless massacres that have occurred in the United States. It is no surprise when one turns the TV on in the morning and a “News Flash” story pops up on the latest shooting. Gregory Kate of USA Today states that there has been greater than 200 events of mass murder in the past 10 years. It is no secret that guns are an easily accessible weapon in the United States, and in numerous other countries that is not the case. Most people can obtain a firearm with a simple, online background check on a computer. Within minutes the check is completed. Kate states the only people to be declined would be: "felons, fugitives, drug addicts, the mentally ill, illegal immigrants, some legal immigrants, people …show more content…

This bill, named S 1916, would ban bump stocks in the United States. As mentioned earlier, this gadget allows semi-automatic firearms to work like an automatic (Solis). At the Las Vegas shooting on October 1st 2017, 12 of these accessories were used in the act of killing 58 human beings. The bump stock allows the weapon to shoot what is equivalent to 13 shots every second (S. 1916). The use of automatic weapons in the United States has been illegal since 1986, but the use of a bump stock turned a permitted firearm into an illegal one. The NRA does not rule in favor of the bill unsurprisingly. The odds rule in favor of passing this bill, as many democrats and republicans are backing it. In the senate, the bill currently has 38 cosponsors, but all of them are democrats at the moment (S. 1916). Nevertheless, the United States is making changes to their gun control system to resemble those of Australia and Great

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