Mass Production And The Cost Of The Production Process

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The cost of the production process is an important consideration, it not only affects the final price, but also affect people and their audience acceptance. With the development of the industrial revolution, more and more products into the homes of ordinary people. For mass production of products, cost control becomes more and more important. Meanwhile, technology development and innovation become more and more attention as well. Every technological revolution will increase the production capacity level and the cost will be cheaper. The most famous example of mass production and cost reduction is the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Motor Company as the birthplace and the first application of assembly line brought a new production revolution.

Total cost minimization is an important part that should be considered for each invention. In other words, if new inventions want to be speeded and Large-scale used, they should have a low cost.
Before the assembly line was invented, the middle and lower people cannot afford high-tech product from their meager salaries, which is tantamount to drop in the bucket. …show more content…

In terms of staff, the problem is very serious. The staff repeated the same action every day, which is tedious and boring. This caused a number of employees in the factory resigned after a few days(“Modern Marvels - Assembly Lines”). In short, no matter how shortcomings, Henry Ford conceived and realized the pipeline. It as an example of cost reduction is pretty successful. It is undeniable that reducing the cost of a product play a decisive role for the promotion on the market. If a new technology cannot achieve large-scale production, the newly developed technology cannot be advanced promoted to benefit more people. Ford 's example shows that lowering product costs does not reduce profits. On the contrary, it will lead to more profitable sales. This instance is great successful for the promotion of products and

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