Mass Media And Popular Culture

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Popular culture is described as the people’s culture that prevails in a society at a point in time. It involves all features that exist in a social life and is most actively absorbed in by the public. Popular culture is usually a culture of people in a particular society and the associations between the communities in their daily activities determine it. These activities of popular culture include way of dressing, use of slang; greeting practices and the foods, a community eats. Popular culture is enlightened by the mass media.
Mass media is used in the transfer of information, perceptions and ideas to people. Media especially the use of magazines and journals is popular in communicating issues dealing with health. Media has a great impact on societies in educating people on the importance of staying healthy. This has helped a lot in reducing the number of people who have health issues. The main key purposes of the mass media is educating the people, influencing public relations in a positive way and promoting various policies.
One of the mass media that I often rely on for informat...

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