Mass Incarceration The Whole Pie Summary

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Land of the Unfree: Mass Incarceration and Its Unjust Effects on Those Subjected To It and American Taxpayers

As a child, I learned from my parents and teachers that if I did something wrong I would have to be punished. Back then, punishment to me was sitting in a corner until I “learned my lesson.” When I asked what would happen if adults were naughty, my teachers told me there was a place for them to go where they could kept so they couldn’t hurt anyone. Prison.

I believed this was the best solution, until high school that is. In the article “New Report Details Devastating Effects Of Mass Incarceration On The U.S.” Matt Ferner, national reporter for the Huffington Post, states that the United States is home to “5 percent of the world’s population, but it houses …show more content…

In the report “Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie” attorney Peter Wagner and policy analyst Bernadette Rabuy confirm “[t]he American criminal justice system holds more than 2.3 million people,” a fifth of which for a drug offense, most nonviolent. Why is it that the so called “Land of the Free” has so many of its citizens behind bars?

I clung to the notion that it wasn’t the government’s or society’s fault these people were in jail. It was the prisoners to blame. They did the crime, so they had to do the time. In the article “Prison: To Punish or Reform” Dianne Clemens, president of Justice for All- Citizens United Against Crime, argues “[w]e encouraged criminals to place the blame for their activities and addictions upon others and we, as

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