Mary Wollstonecraft's Analysis

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It seems that since the world began, women have always been inferior to men. It is an issue that we still battle with today in 2015, but there have been many advancements since the 17th century. I find it very interesting that this piece was only written 20 years after the US was founded. Dating back that early in time, Mary Wollstonecraft defied the norm of the characterization of women and strived for more. In a time of men being dominant in all aspects, I think it was brave of her to put her opinions on paper and express her thoughts. I feel like readings that date back hundreds of years ago are harder to understand because writing seemed much more formal. There is so much slang now, and the expected formality of people, has gone down so …show more content…

A quote that stuck out to me in the reading was, “But I still insist, that not only the virtue, but the knowledge of the two sexes should be at the same in nature, if not in degree, and that women, considered not only as moral, but rational creatures, ought to endeavor to acquire human virtues (or perfections) by the same means as men, instead of being educated like a fanciful kind of half-being, one of Rousseau’s wild chimeras”. I feel like she is trying to show how the education that women are receiving, which is not even really education, more like a school of etiquette, gives people the impression they feel upon women, because they aren’t being taught anything of substance or importance. They are being taught more about charm, rather than education, which is irrelevant. There is clearly a separate school for both men and women, and women are confined to boarding schools, with other women there age, learning …show more content…

Wollstonecraft expresses how gender roles in society, do in fact create social problems, because unequal relationships are formed, focusing on what is expected of women and men separately, not a society as a whole. I agree with her fight of feminism, believing that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. I also agree that education definitely plays a huge role in shaping an individual, which is why still today, children are required to attend school, to learn the fundamentals of what is important in life and set them up for what is ahead of them after school is finished. Clearly the equality of men and women has been a topic of discussion since the world began, always fighting for the same respect that men get. If you think about it, back then, women were always being taught how to be the most attractive they can be and abide by their husbands wishes. Now, women have more freedom of speech and more power in intimate relationships but a woman’s body is used as a sex object for increased popularity in advertisements and

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