Mary Queen Of Peace Research Paper

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There are no words to describe what Mary Queen of Peace has done for me. Attending this school has influenced my life in so many amazing ways. It has affected my education, my social life and skills, my confidence, and my faith life- all for the best.

In my very first hour at Mary Queen of Peace, I felt instantly welcome. In fact, by that time, I had already made a friend that is still one of my best friends to this day. I had some pretty bad anxiety when I was younger, and making friends and feeling so welcome and relaxed at school helped me so much in the following years at MQP. This made me feel really comfortable, because I was and still am a very shy person. I know that everybody being so nice and inclusive all through my elementary and middle school years has had a lot to do with being in a Catholic school environment. I also think that a huge part of why I loved coming to school is because of my teachers. I have no idea where I would be without the amazing teachers that have taught me at Mary Queen of Peace. Every teacher I have ever had has given me so much knowledge that I use in my daily life, or that I know I will use later in life. …show more content…

Before receiving an specific sacrament, our class would always learn about that it, and practice receiving it in religion class, which I think is a great to emphasize the sacrament’s importance. It showed me that your teachers really want the students to fully experience the seven sacraments, and know as much about them as they

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