Mary Oliver's Poem 'The Journey'

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Everybody struggles in a different way, but after the night comes the day. Which is the same as life that has different tragedies; happiness, sorrow, pain, or fear. Every mountain has many hill that goes up and down. Life has also many uphill, and downhill but people have to be prepare to accept the challenge. To be happy in life, we have to be prepared to face the difficulties. Life is not happiness neither sorrow. It is true for everyone’s life. Anything being born with it definitely die, because this is the nature of life. It is the same in the poem “The Journey”, where the poet is trying to explain the nature of life and the nature of the world. As I go through the poem, I understand that our life is temporary here, in this world. Mary Oliver wants to be free from sorrow and pain. She doesn’t want bad advice. The poet wants to be happy and understand the nature of life. The poet …show more content…

In the other hand, the world is beautiful, full of green trees and different kinds of animals. To form a tree, it needs water, minerals, oxygen and mud, or place to grow. We are the same, we need support, good company, and good advice. A flower has its own time to blossom and has its own way to make the world beautiful. We have the same mission, to make our world beautiful, nice, and peaceful. We are the heroes of the world and we are the model of nature. We can do anything but we just have to be prepared for the upcoming struggle and difficulties. In the middle of the poem, Oliver says “mend my life! Each voice cried”. Oliver wants us to understand ourselves before understanding others. Sometimes we depart from our journey in different directions but only the knowledge of oneself can direct us on the right path. Knowledge is gained through observing nature. Whatever Mary Oliver has done in her life to find the truth of nature, she doesn’t want to give it up. She is focused on her grit and she wants to spread her peace of the

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