Mary Maloney In Roald Dahl's Lamb To The Slaughter

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In Roald Dahl’s short story “Lamb to the Slaughter”, Mary Maloney is a cold-blooded killer. While using the excuse to make dinner, Mary Maloney used the frozen leg of lamb to brutally beat Patrick (her husband) to death. She had brought up the lamb from the cellar and had then swung it across the back of Patrick’s head, “She might just as well have hit him with a steel club…Then he crashed to the carpet” (Dahl 13). Mary had outright killed her husband in cold-blood, due to his proposed divorce. Thereafter, Mary Maloney was very smart and she knew how the detectives would find the murderer so she made an alibi. Her alibi was her grocer (Sam) that she personally knows very well, she even told herself to, “Keep things absolutely natural and there’ll

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