Mary Magdalene Research Paper

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Concepts: Mary was a great believer and lover of Jesus Christ because of her repentance of her sins that he forgave her. Mary Magdalene is a universal biblical figure besides Jesus Crist and the Virgin Mary. The first two of the artworks are religious art that are for church purposes and the last artwork is not is a church but it’s for Catholicity display. Religion has to do with forgiveness, sacrifice, faith, since, repentance, spiritual, light, and darkness. Magdalene is mentioned in the gospels and apostles.
Ideas: In the seventeenth century Mary Magdalene was really important in all the Catholic countries. In the bible, it is known that Jesus Christ defended and forgave the sins that Mary Magdalene created because she slept with many men and that wasn’t permitted in the bible, but Jesus showed compassion and forgiveness. Mary Magdalene is considered a saint because she was a follower of Christ and she witnessed when he was crucified and when was buried and then later on resurrected from the dead.
The theme is repentance of sinners and trials that were sent by God. All three images of Mary Magdalene are of her thinking of the death of Jesus Christ. They are all scenes from the bible of how Mary must have felt when she found out he was being sacrificed on the cross. They are religious acts and scenes of what should have also …show more content…

This sculpture artwork has a sense of realism in it as well as incarnation of the concept of the Christian repentance. It is for the purpose to have some knowledge of Magdalene since she had sinned and didn’t have any principles or morals. She didn’t follow the laws of the bible and was judged and stoned because of that. Her facial expression pleads for forgiveness, so she appears penitent for the since she committed. She looks unhealthy, tired, sad gaze, has her mouth opened, and really long hair. It is a sculpture that was made with a lot of emotion and religiosity in

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